Are Prices in Austin Dropping? Latest Data Shows 4-Year Low
Published | Posted by Dan Price
Are Prices in Austin Dropping? Latest Data Shows 4-Year Low : Are you curious about whether home prices in Austin are dropping? Our latest data analysis reveals a significant trend with Austin prices dropping to a 4-year low. Looking back from February 2021, the median sold price for homes in the Austin-area, which spans Travis, Williamson, Bastrop, Hays, Caldwell, and Burnet counties, has shown some notable changes.
In February 2021, the median price was around $491,000, which was the lowest recorded since then. To put this into perspective, let's look at historical data. In January 2000, the median price was $133,500, and by January 2001, it had risen to $142,500. This gradual increase continued over the years, reaching a peak around 2006 with a median price of $165,000 in January. However, after the global financial crisis, there was a period of stabilization, with the median price in January 2009 at $174,500.
Post-recession, the market saw a recovery, with the median price climbing to $213,200 by January 2014. Fast forward to recent years, the data points to a dip in median prices, reaching the lowest point since February 2021, where it was $491,000. This drop could signal a cooling market or an adjustment after a period of rapid growth.
This information is crucial for anyone looking to buy or sell in the Austin area, offering insights into the current state of the market and helping to gauge whether Austin prices are dropping or stabilizing at a new level.

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